Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tarzan the Magnificent

I'm currently working on my own personal project, an adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tarzan the Magnificent."  Following are the first five pages, along with a smattering of other tarzan art.  I'm a huge fan of Edgar Rice Burroughs' litterary hero, so I didn't want to just be a Tarzan geek on my blog and constantly force my Tarzan art upon the public.  I've waited long enough! 

My goal is to one day produce a cover for all 24 Tarzan novels written by Edgar rice Burroughs.  I still have a bit of work to do before I finish them all.

Last but not least, Tarzan of the movies, ending with a sketch of Gordon Scott, my personal favorite to portray the apeman.


Pebbles said...

I'm sad he won't be able to finish his dream of re-doing all the covers.

R.I.P. Dave Hoover.

Anonymous said...

VERMONT and will you ever live it down?
And how many millions of dollars has been lost just by YAN, alone?
But worse than that, the stupidity of history repeating crimes that were caught 70 years ago and are still fresh in the minds of those that have empathy and any sort of intelligence at all!
IRA- PLO and all that HARCOYAN- CONYMA- is just the tip of the iceberg.
And they should have known that their involvement with mobsters would never , ever make them free.
Au contraire.